As a marketer of quality goods or services, you know your products well, and you want to tell the world about them. But you need to consider more than your product when developing your marketing. To be effective, your message should to speak to your buyer’s needs and interests.
In business to business marketing it can be tempting to present an overly complex message. An industrial manufacturer marketing products primarily to engineers may assume that they can and should present a lot of technical details in their marketing message. Though your audience may understand all of those specifications, they may not have the time or interest to pour over them when they receive your message.
No matter what market you are in, your prospective buyers are being bombarded by marketing noise, along with all of the other communication involved in doing their jobs. You don’t have long to grab their interest and inspire them to take action.
When developing your next campaign, inspire to your prospects to ACT by making sure your message is:
You’ll get the attention of your readers by speaking to their needs and interests. Instead of talking about your product, talk about the problem this product will solve for your future customer.
Instead of this: Our widgit delivers reliable performance and long service life.
Try this: Need to cut costs and improve productivity? Our widgit can help!
Shakespeare put it best – “brevity is the soul of wit.” Keep your message brief and to the point, so it can be consumed in a cursory reading.
Instead of this: Through years of research and testing, we’ve developed technology to prevent widget problems that can shut down entire systems.
Try this: Eliminate downtime with our widgit!
Instead of giving your prospects more information than they are ready for, start a conversation about their needs. Then follow up with a timely offer to help with those needs. Target the message toward the action you’d like the prospects to take.
Instead of this: Our widgit offers many functions and features you need, each of which are described in the lengthy paragraphs below.
Try this: Looking for ways to make your process more efficient and profitable? Order our FREE guide to making your job easier! (Then you can talk about your widgit in the guide.)
These three tips are much easier to follow when you have a clear picture of your prospect. The best way to get that picture is by developing buyer personas. Through this exercise, you can gain a better understanding of who your customers are, and how to address their needs.
Need help with creating Buyer Personas? Request our FREE Guide to Developing Buyer Personas!