Business SuccessBLOG

Content Development

Ideas for Creating Keyword Content Pages

You know your content pages need keywords to get found in search….but you also know those pages need to be readable for a human audience, and not just machines. So how do you satisfy both audiences with keyword content pages that balance SEO-rich content with readability?

Ditch the Pitch – The Art of Social Media Messaging

The significance of social media messaging is increasing as the popularity of platforms like Facebook, Snap Chat, and Instagram continues to explode. Marketing Sherpa reports that 85% of U.S. consumers said they used social media, and 58% of all those surveyed said they follow brands through social media. The specific breakdown translates to: 71% of … Continued

A New Look at the 4 P’s of Marketing

If you have ever read a marketing text book or taken a course on marketing, you may be familiar with the 4 P’s of marketing, also referred to as “the marketing mix”. Introduced in the 1960’s by marketing professor and author E. Jerome McCarthy, the 4 P’s concept has traditionally been one of the most … Continued

Creating Effective Content – Think Like Your Customer

One of the greatest resources for a website is great content. It can continually pull in new visitors over time, earn links, build relationships, and educate website visitor.  Therefore it is essential to take a little time and think like your customer.  You need to create content that engages and inspires your customer. Get in … Continued

7 Steps for Developing an Effective Business Blog Strategy

As an online business marketer, you’ve probably heard much about the importance of quality content in your online marketing strategy. You may have even added a blog to your website to help you build quality content.  If so, you are on the right track. Blogs are becoming increasingly popular in the business world, with more … Continued

Overcoming Business Blogging Block

You know your business. You could – and do – talk about it all day long. So why is it so hard to write blog post for your business blog? Even when you do think of a topic, it can be equally hard to figure what to say in your post. We know the benefits of business … Continued

How to Create Quality Website Content for a Small Business

“Content is King”, a cliché that every business owner has been told by someone in a marketing department. All clichés are based in at least some reality and even though “Content is King” is an oversimplification, it is based in truth. In order for a small or medium business to compete with big box stores … Continued

5 Ways to Build Trust as a Local Business

The rise of online shopping and big box stores has made it tougher for small businesses to compete in their own local markets. While the mega retailers can often undercut local businesses on price, there is one key advantage local businesses can leverage, and that is trust. Shoppers tend to be more confident about doing … Continued

5 Stats to Shake Up Your Boss’s View on B2B Digital Marketing

Marketing your business online often ends up being put on the back burner with older companies. Most of those companies have a website but, they rarely update it or utilize. It can be frustrating if your company’s struggling to generate new leads and not using every tool available. Here are 5 stats that can help … Continued

Does Your Home Page Excite Viewers?

If your home page does not excite your viewers, does it at least engage their interest? The home page of your website plays as extremely important role as it is often the first page viewers see when visiting your business online. If this crucial page does not do everything it should be doing, it is … Continued


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