Business SuccessBLOG

Content Development

2013 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Website

The beginning of a new year finds most everyone in a mindset of what they can do to improve. Let this attitude permeate your thoughts on website strategy for 2013. In the days before online marketing, a business might publish a yearly catalog and not give much further thought to it until the next edition. … Continued

Quality Content Ranks Higher with Google 2011 Changes

Last week Google announced it made changes to its search algorithms that resulted in the engine placing more emphasis on content quality when determining website rankings. This is the latest in Google’s ongoing effort to return the most relevant query results for its users. Google reports that these adjustments have impacted 11.8% of their queries. … Continued

Create a Facebook Business Page in 2009 that Pops

Facebook, with more than 300 million members, amounting to more than 160,000 new users every day, makes it the third most trafficked website on the internet.  What better reason to utilize this as a marketing tool. In order for you to generate the most energy from your customer base, it’s important to follow these important, … Continued

Share Twitter “Tweets” via LinkedIn Profile in 2009

Twitter and LinkedIn have teamed up.  A new LinkedIn feature enables a tweet from your Twitter profile to also appear as your LinkedIn status message automatically. Upright blogger & SEO Director Allison Kulage first mentioned this new feature in her webinar last week.  Now, we can share online articles with business contacts or take Twitter … Continued

Upright Among 2009 TopRank’s “Best Blogs on the Net”

TopRank’s Online Marketing blog is one of the most respected blogs in the entire marketing industry.  They owe part of this success to their link building program, having gained inbound links from many of the most credible marketing sites. To aid their linkbuilding program, the marketing professionals at TopRank scour the Internet for blogs to … Continued

Upright5: Why to Blog for Business

Today we introduce a new series of blog posts called “Upright5.”  Rolls right off the tongue, doesn’t it! An Upright5 entry is a fast-reading list of 5 reasons why we suggest a specific tool or strategy for success in your business.  Today’s Upright5 lists 5 reasons to start a blog on your website.  Know you’re … Continued

HARO – Share Your Business with the Media Today

We are discovering an important new tool and are excited to share it with you.  It’s called (HARO).  Visit this website and subscribe right now – you won’t regret it! What? Journalists who write blogs and books, for newspapers and magazines, use HARO to post their latest assignments.  Subscribers (like me) receive 2-3 emails … Continued

Get A Job Using LinkedIn and Twitter

Those of you in full job search mode right now can benefit from a wealth of online resources when trying to land a great job. Don’t let the current economic status hold you back because if you look, there are jobs out there, and many of them are posting them online… and not just at … Continued

Blogging and Social Networking – How to Create A Buzz

Social media or social networking is basically a type of word of mouth marketing. You’re more likely to purchase a product or service, or become more loyal to a brand if you get a positive recommendation from a friend or family member. The internet has allowed us to expand this friend base to more than … Continued

Twitter, Tweets, Twits, Twittequette… huh?

If you’re the slightest bit geeky like myself, you’ve probably heard about Twitter. A few months ago when this micro blog of sorts came out, the general consensus was, what’s the point? You sign up for an account and follow people (which kind of seems like stalking them) and you have 140 characters to “tweet” … Continued


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