Social Media Marketing
Upright Communications Gives Back: Donating Marketing and Social Media Services To A Worthy Cause
All of us here at Upright would like to share with our readers a project that is close to our hearts. We’re a grateful bunch here. We enjoy life to the fullest and always try to display the attitude of gratitude as we enjoy our ongoing successes in our professional and personal lives. So when … Continued
Beware the Cookie Cutter Approach in Social Media Programs
As social media continues to grow as the next new and exciting way to market your products and services online, a lot of companies are jumping on the band wagon to create Facebook pages and Twitter profiles. And SEO service providers are adding social media to their online marketing mix. We’ve even seen new companies … Continued
Chat Social Media Success with HARO
Back in April, we first blogged about our involvement in the HARO network (which stands for Help a Reporter Out). Three months later and we’re still hooked! We receive daily emails from HARO, in which journalists reach out to the public with current topics, to attain press stories. Find out more about this FREE group … Continued
Social Media Marketing: In Action
Heard about our upcoming webinar, “Upright Presents: Leveraging Social Media for Business Growth”? A lot of people have (as I’ll explain below). Our SEO Director Allison Kulage is presenting on this topic Thursday 7/23 @ 2 pm ET. Sign up here for this FREE online seminar! We consistently preach the ROI effectiveness of Social Media for … Continued
Grow a Twitter Following the Smart Way
We encourage that our readers “Twitter for Business.” As a result, this blog has seen entries on creating an effective Twitter Username (known as an Avatar; 5/18/09) and developing a custom background to represent your business (6/2/09). My offer still stands to provide a start-up Twitter manual upon request, by emailing me at Today’s … Continued
LinkedIn 101: Account Setup & Creating a Profile in 2009
This blog is full of tips for utilizing social media in Business. In our efforts to be a complete online marketing resource, we’ve begun producing videos on many relevant topics. Today’s video, “LinkedIn 101: Account Setup & Creating a Profile,” explains how to create a LinkedIn account and which profile fields are important to fill … Continued
UPDATED: Design Background for NEW Twitter Dimensions
We’re a growing resource for people using Twitter to benefit their business. Just started Tweeting? Search our past blog posts for useful tips. Don’t have a Twitter account yet? We have a great starter’s manual. Email me at for more information. Twitter Background Musts Your Twitter background is the core of your Profile’s marketing … Continued
Twitter Username Tips
So many questions about Twitter, so little time. They come at me like I was drinking water from a fire hose. Ouch. But they are all good questions, so I’ll try to tackle them one at a time. When you sign up for Twitter, you have to create a username. So what should it be? … Continued
HARO – Share Your Business with the Media Today
We are discovering an important new tool and are excited to share it with you. It’s called (HARO). Visit this website and subscribe right now – you won’t regret it! What? Journalists who write blogs and books, for newspapers and magazines, use HARO to post their latest assignments. Subscribers (like me) receive 2-3 emails … Continued