Business SuccessBLOG

Social Media Marketing

Get A Job Using LinkedIn and Twitter

Those of you in full job search mode right now can benefit from a wealth of online resources when trying to land a great job. Don’t let the current economic status hold you back because if you look, there are jobs out there, and many of them are posting them online… and not just at … Continued

5 Ways to Use Twitter to Get More Customers

Today on the ShoeMoney Blog there was a great post by Brian Norgard called “5 Ways To Find & Acquire Customers On Twitter“. I recommend that you click over and read his blog post. But first, we’ll summarize what Brian said here, and add a few comments of our own on a few great ways … Continued

Blogging and Social Networking – How to Create A Buzz

Social media or social networking is basically a type of word of mouth marketing. You’re more likely to purchase a product or service, or become more loyal to a brand if you get a positive recommendation from a friend or family member. The internet has allowed us to expand this friend base to more than … Continued

Get LinkedIn! Now You Can Add A Company Profile in 2008

If you don’t already have a LinkedIn profile, you need to get one. And if you already have a profile, but you’re wondering how you can create a listing for your company, then here’s the answer. Until recently, LinkedIn didn’t offer an easy or clear way to add a Company Profile. On November 18th, they … Continued

Twitter, Tweets, Twits, Twittequette… huh?

If you’re the slightest bit geeky like myself, you’ve probably heard about Twitter. A few months ago when this micro blog of sorts came out, the general consensus was, what’s the point? You sign up for an account and follow people (which kind of seems like stalking them) and you have 140 characters to “tweet” … Continued


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