If you don’t already have a LinkedIn profile, you need to get one. And if you already have a profile, but you’re wondering how you can create a listing for your company, then here’s the answer. Until recently, LinkedIn didn’t offer an easy or clear way to add a Company Profile. On November 18th, they notified us that we now have the ability to create a profile for your company so we want to share this information with our readers and clients.
Let’s back up a minute and just review LinkedIn. I like to refer to it as “MySpace for GrownUps”. I know, it sounds silly, but that one gets a lot of laughs, so I’m sticking with it. It’s basically a social network for professionals of any kind, and a great way to find people and network.
Until recently, users could only add individual information but not general information about their company. With the ability now to create a company profile, users are able to include valuable information about their organization and not just the individuals that work for them.
Getting started is this easy. Just click this link http://www.linkedin.com/companies?didentcompy= and enter your company name and email address. Enter information about your company on the following page(s) and that’s it! If you have any questions or need further instruction, the LinkedIn product manager has posted a blog and we couldn’t have said it better, so here it is:
Once you’ve got your listing updated, you can do some networking, join groups, ask questions to learn more about – well, anything, and even answer questions to share your expertise!