Business SuccessBLOG

Sharing Google Reviews in 2011

By Colleen Frye

Now more than ever, people are relying on online reviews before making a purchasing decision.

In fact, “84% of consumers said they were more likely to check online for reviews prior to making a purchase compared to twelve months ago”, according to a recent survey by Brand Reputation.

Because of the growing popularity of online reviews, companies have been working hard to encourage their happiest customers to share what they think about their business!

Most recently came up with the idea of “Review Wednesday” where you take a few minutes every Wednesday to write a review on Google Places for a favorite small business of yours.  After you do that, log on to your Twitter account and share it.  Remember to use the hashtag #RWX when Tweeting.

Check out an example on Twitter!

If you aren’t sure how to find direct links (like Mary Bowling’s in the example above) to your Google Reviews, please check out this video: