Business SuccessBLOG

The Value of Social Media

By Upright Team

Not on the Social Media bandwagon?  Check out what Nielsen Online, the global leader in media information, is saying:  It may be time to hop on.

In terms of “traditional media”, first came the radio, taking 38 years to capture an audience of 50 million.  Then came the television, which took 13 years to capture an audience of 50 million.  While it took the internet only four years to reach an audience of that size, it took Facebook less than 9 months.

According to a survey taken in Cincinnati, Ohio- 74.8% of respondents stated they find business value in social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.  However, only 45.7% stated that their organization was part of a social media group.

Where is the disconnect here?

In our experience, often times people are hesitant to use social media because of the complexity of it all. However, it is important to increase your brand visibility as well as conversing with your customers.  Check out this video that describes social media in “plain English”.

You may see that it’s not so confusing after all.