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Two Resources for Mobile Optimization

By Erin Meyer

The significance of mobile friendly search has been an SEO focal point for awhile now, and the importance of this trend seems only to be getting stronger. As we recently reported57% of users are accessing search engines using a mobile device, and a quarter of U.S. users report using only their mobile devices for online search. Google has remained in front of this trend, rolling out yet another update this month, aimed at helping mobile users find more relevant and mobile-friendly pages. If you have not yet optimized for mobile, now is the time.

If you are in need of assistance with developing a mobile-friendly site, Google has made two helpful tools available, which you can access at any time: the Webmaster Mobile Guide and the Mobile-Friendly Test. These easy-to-use resources provide guidance on how to improve or begin developing your mobile site.

google mobile test

Webmaster Mobile Guide

This page is a great place to get started with mobile optimization, in fact, the first section is even called, Getting Started. The user-friendly layout and information walk you through what you need to know about mobile SEO configuration and website software. There are also sections on common mistakes, a glossary, and frequently asked questions, covering just about everything you need to know about mobile optimization.

Mobile-Friendly Test

If you have already started your mobile optimization efforts, this interactive tool allows you to see how you are doing. Simply type in your URL and Google will analyze your website, and provide recommendations.

It is important to note that Google still values high quality, relevant content, so even sites that have not been optimized for mobile can rank well. The bottom line is that quality content and mobile optimization can be the perfect one-two punch to knock out your competition and put you in first place.

Don’t have the time or resources to get your website optimized for mobile search? We can help! Contact us, and we’ll do the rest.