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What Google Removal of Right Column Ads Means for Organic Search in 2016

By Erin Meyer

GoogleUPDATEAs of Friday, February 19th, Google stopped displaying AdWords ads in the right column on search engine results pages (SERPs). Users will now only see pay per click ads on the top and bottom of the page. Going along with the removal of the right column ad strip, reports indicate that there will be more SERPs showing four ads at the top of the page with commercial searches. The question for search engine marketers is how the removal of right column ads will impact their marketing strategies on Google.

Moving forward, users will see the right column space used for Product Listing Ads and Knowledge Graph Boxes. What do these changes mean for organic search? According to Search Engine Watch, “for businesses this will mean the organic space is even more precious” and that in turn will “lead to an even bigger focus on SEO.” The change also raises the stakes for pay per click (PPC) advertisers, with fewer slots and higher cost-per-click (CPC).

google search screenshot, Image courtesy of Search Engine Watch


To explain the reasoning behind the change, The Media Image suggests that poor performance of right column ads could be behind Google’s decision to limit PPC ad space on the SERPs. Higher cost and competition for the top page spots will likely prove more profitable for Google in the long run.

Developments like these underscore the importance of an integrated online marketing approach, which utilizes a number of results-driven strategies for search engine optimization, including aggressive organic search optimization.

As your online marketing partnerUpright Communications keeps track of on-going developments, using our experience and expertise to hone strategies to meet new challenges. Contact us today to discuss a customized program for your online marketing goals.