Any business with a website and digital marketing strategy knows the importance of quality content. If you are responsible for your organization’s online marketing, you have probably read or heard about the importance of having a business blog. Business blogs are an excellent way to add quality content to your website and build your online presence.
While adding a blog to your website may not be difficult, too many marketers do not see results from their blog. If you are one of those frustrated marketers, this post is for you! The following five problems are ones that we often see that could be holding back your business blog’s potential.
1. You may not be posting enough.
The only thing worse than not having a business blog is having a business blog and not posting to it. A neglected blog sends the wrong message about your business. Imagine a prospective customer visits your website to research your products. He or she wants to learn more, so they click on your blog only to find the last post was added in 2009. What impression will they have? Likely it will not be good.
We understand that it is hard to come up with topics and time for posts. Start with an attainable goal – maybe one post a week, or every other week. Just be consistent.
2. Your post topics might not be all that interesting.
Interest is a relative thing. While you are very focused on your product line, many of your prospects are unfamiliar with it, and therefore, will not be as interested. You need to tell those prospects why your products are important to them. Think about it this way: Your website’s job is to present your products. Your blog’s job is to connect those products with the prospect in a way that is compelling to them. In coming up with post topics, keep things like this in mind:
- What problem does my product solve?
- How does it make my prospect’s life easier?
- How is it better than what the competition is offering?
- What do I wish more people knew about my product?
3. You might be taking the wrong approach in your message.
Many marketers approach their blog with a sales mentality. Afterall, isn’t that why you are blogging in the first place? Although this is true, try to keep in mind that your prospects are probably reading your blog to become more knowledgeable. When prospective customers are doing research, they are likely not quite ready for the pitch. Let your posts provide your reader with a learning opportunity, but close by suggesting a call-to-action that will hold their interest and move them closer to the sale. (More on that later.)
4. Your posts may need more elements to add interest.
If you are not adding visual elements to your blog posts, your prospects are likely to pass them by. If you can remember how boring it was to slog your way through a school textbook, multiply that feeling by at least 100 for text only posts in the highly stimulating world of digital media. Add a minimum of one image to every blog post and you will increase its attractiveness significantly. Even better – spice up your blog with video clips. Video is an excellent and compelling way to demonstrate product features that is much more interesting than a descriptive narrative. In defense of copy, however, a good keyword enhanced description will provide power for SEO. If you include both in your posts, you will get the most ‘bang for your buck’.
5. Your posts may be missing a next step.
Valuable and informative posts will benefit your reader, but they will not do much for you if you let your reader move on too quickly. Always close a post with a Call-to-Action (CTA). These can include actions like:
- Link to a contact page
- Download an eBook
- Read more on a product page
Effective CTAs keep your prospects engaged and connected, and ultimately move them closer to the sale.
If your business blog is letting you down, try making some changes that address one or more of these problems. Keep in mind that in addition to your goal of generating action and interest, your blog has an added role of building quality content for your website. This content will help your site in a host of ways, which might not be so obvious. So, don’t get discouraged and keep blogging!
Want to learn more about business blogging? Download our free guide, Simple Blogging Best Practices.
Just don’t have the time to blog? We can help! Contact us to learn more about how our services can support and enhance your digital marketing efforts!