There has been a buzz-word floating around the inbound marketing world that I am sure has come across your computer screen at least once – workflows. The seasoned business veteran who can recall themselves saying, “Nothing could ever surpass the power of Yellow Pages” has seen the rise and fall of many marketing fads. Workflows, unlike most marketing fads, are tried and true and don’t seem to be leaving anytime soon. So, if you have not learned what workflows are and how they are already impacting your business, this will set you on the right path.
What the heck is a workflow and what does is mean to be automated?
This is an extremely simple answer that many people already know. A workflow is simply a sequence of events within your production, marketing, or administration that starts and ends within specific guidelines. Automated workflows take businesses to a whole new level by taking out the middle-man and streamlining each task through an online, ever-moving system. The great thing about giving such a broad answer is you can make your workflows anything you would like them to be. Workflows can be anything from sending a reminder to complete a specific task, to being the backbone of a large email marketing campaign.
Here is one example:
Questions to ask yourself before you think about workflows and automation:
1) In which areas of my business would I like to be saving time?
2) Will automating emails and tasks save me time or will it just add steps to the process?
3) Am I willing to learn a new way of handling tasks within my business?
4) What online workflow/marketing service should I use and how much am I willing to pay?
5) Is my sales team still working from spreadsheets and making cold calls?
The biggest piece of advice you will hear from anyone who has ever dealt with automated workflows is to think through every step of the process before you make any decision. How will you follow up? When will you send your emails? What type of language should you use? Whom are you addressing in the emails? How do you and your consumer benefit from this workflow? Should add a personal touch?
Be smart, make bold choices, and never stop thinking. Automated workflows are always growing and improving, so don’t fall behind.